2022 Scholarship Recipients
2022 Scholarship Recipients
The Edwardsville Community Foundation is dedicated to offering many scholarship opportunities to graduating seniors in District 7. Each year the Edwardsville Community Foundation facilitates the selection and distribution of numerous scholarships on behalf of philanthropic individuals, families, businesses, and organizations in our communities. Due to their generosity, so many of our local students are blessed with these scholarships and able to pursue their dreams.
We would like to thank the generous individuals, families, organizations, and businesses that fund these scholarships annually.
Leila Leitner Anderson Memorial Scholarship
Spencer Stearns
Emilie Fry
Karen Bardelmeier Albrecht Medical Technology Scholarship
Lindsey Lankford
Nadine Penelton Bradshaw Scholarship
Kevin LeDuc
L.J. and Faye E. Burrus Family Scholarship
Jay Bolten
Busey Bank Community Scholarships (Madison/St. Clair Counties)
Caitlin Conrad
Abigail Hasty
Elise Moore
Jenae Wright
Mildred A. Carr Scholarship
Michael Voltz
Judy DeSart Memorial Healthcare Scholarship
MaKenna Lueking
Dennis DeToye Visual Art Scholarship
Hannah Colbert
Gordon Dodds Literary Award
Logan Roever
Dirty Dozen Edwardsville High School Class of 1953 College Scholarship
Simon McKean
Danielle Huene
ECF Fine Arts
Sidney Lane
Sophia Bertolino
Loretta "Babs" Enloe Memorial CEO Program Scholarship
Kyla Archer
Laura Propes
Ryan Garbs Gold Star Memorial Scholarship
Kennedy Fox
Goshen Rotary Scholarship Award
Tyler Chrenka
Sharon Petty Field Hockey Scholarship
Lily Wittkamp
Edwardsville High School Drama Club Scholarship
Sophia Bertolino
Dave Rieger Golf Scholarship
Antonio Ybarra
Ellie Hyten
Roa Educational Scholarship
Sydnee Campbell
Leigh Sills Scholarship
Ruben Benjanker
Chris Agwuedu
Tyler Chrenka
Laine Chapman
Jasmyn Story
Jenae Wright
Mark Speciale Family Vocational Scholarship
Kevin LeDuc
Raymond & Lucia Weber Scholarship
Joshua Stout
Charles A. Wentz, Jr. EHS Engineering
Laine Chapman
Luke Karlas
Abigail Law
Madison Vieth
Jenae Wright
Charles A. Wentz, Jr. Business and Science Scholarship
Trey Dicks
Tyler Chrenka
Danielle Huene
Lyndsey Lankford
Logan Roever
Charles A. Wentz, Jr. Family Scholarships
Frederick & Sophia Blume Bohm EHS Educational Scholarship: Ashley Cook
Christian P. & Frances Kaiser Smith EHS Educational Scholarship: Max Brandmeyer
William H. & Emma Smith Bohm EHS Educational Scholarship: NIcholas McClintock
Emma D. Maria Bohm EHS Educational Scholarship: Joshua Stout
Heinrich A. & Margaretha Roeth Wentz EHS Educational Scholarship: Olga Ivashyna
John P. & Louisa Tschannen Sehnert EHS Educational Scholarship: Michael Whaley
Conrad A. & Louis Sehnert Wentz EHS Educational Scholarship: Hannah Whaley
Charles A. & Frances Bohm Wentz EHS Educational Scholarship: Ruben Benjankar
Wilbur H. Smith Bohm EHS Educational Scholarship: Spencer Stearns
Charles A. Wentz, Jr. Church Scholarships
St. John's Methodist Church: Grace Kalb
General Church Award: Lucas Greer
Charles A. Wentz, Jr. EHS Student Athlete
Jorden Johnson
Jillian Welsh
Harry K & Carol A. Windland Building Trades Scholarship in Memory of Harry E. Windland
Kevin LeDuc